Laundry & Dry Cleaning,
that suits your pocket
Let us pick up your dirty laundry, sort it, stains, wash, dry, iron, fold and deliver back to you in one neat, easy package.
View DetailsLet us pick up your dirty laundry, sort it, pre-treat stains, wash, dry, fold and deliver back to you in one neat, easy package.
View DetailsGet your clothes properly ironed, folded and packed in a way that is easy for your pocket
View DetailsIn the competitive world of business, first impressions matter. Whether you run any type of organization, the cleanliness of your textiles play a crucial role in shaping your company’s image.
View DetailsWe use premium cleaning products and standardized processes to take care of your fancy wears and give them refreshed look.
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Commercial Laundry
Every large corporation has outsourced their laundry work in order to save money and make maximise on their core competencies. Allowing us to do your laundry work will prove to be cost effective and beneficial for you as you can focus on your core business instead of getting side tracked with these unnecessary yet crucial work. We offer reasonable prices for commercial services and draft a custom proposal with a suitable quotation after looking at your laundry needs. Our pick-up and delivery of laundry is fast, convenient, and will save you both money and time in the long run.
Laundry isn’t your main business, but it is ours and we love it! If you are interested in our laundry services, get more information about our pricing or schedule a meeting by calling us at (0343) 021-57-27 / (0315) 2265514